Myopia Control in Trail, BC

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A refractive error affects how the eyes bend (refract) light. There are several types of refractive errors, and they occur when the shape of the eye, cornea, or lens changes the way light is focused inside the eye.  

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is a refractive error that makes distant objects blurry while nearby objects remain clear. It’s a common vision problem, affecting nearly 30% of Canadians. It usually develops during childhood, worsens throughout school-aged years, and stabilizes around age 20 when the eyes stop growing.

There are certain risks associated with high (progressive) myopia, and since more children are being diagnosed with this condition earlier, doctors are focused on preventing it from worsening. Although myopia can’t be prevented or reversed, it can be controlled in early childhood. We offer several myopia control methods at Trail Vision Care Clinic to slow myopia progression and prevent serious eye health concerns later in life.

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There’s no known cause for myopia, although research suggests that it occurs when there’s a complex combination of factors that lead to eye elongation, including:

  • Genetic predisposition
  • Environmental factors associated with urbanization
  • Increased near work
  • Reduced time spent outdoors
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What Is Myopia Control?

Myopia is generally corrected with glasses or contact lenses, but to prevent this vision problem from developing into high myopia, we recommend controlling its progression during early childhood. This is called myopia control.

Myopia control encompasses several methods that can slow or even stop myopia in growing eyes. Some methods are more effective than others, and the most effective method depends on the individual child and their unique eyes and needs. 

At Trail Vision Care Clinic, we can provide atropine eye drops, specialty eyeglass lenses, and contact lenses.


Atropine eye drops are used to dilate your pupils during a comprehensive eye exam. They relax the muscles in your pupils so they don’t respond to light. But these drops have also been shown to effectively slow myopia progression in children when used in low doses before bed.

How these drops work for myopia is complex, but experts think they bind to growth receptors in the eyes and prevent the eyes from growing too long.

Stellest eyeglass lenses are specialty myopia control lenses manufactured by Essilor. The technology focuses on peripheral defocus, a theory stating that blurring side vision helps slow myopia.

Stellest lenses have been proven to reduce myopia growth by an average of 67%. They can be fitted for children of all ages and are designed specifically for a child’s lifestyle. They’re Impact resistant, thin and light, and provide UV protection.

MiSight® 1 day contact lenses are proven to slow myopia progression while correcting vision in children as young as 8. They’re built on the mechanism of myopic defocus to encourage the eyes to slow their growth.

These contact lenses are single-use (discarded at the end of the day), easy to fit, comfortable, and provide freedom from wearing glasses.

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Our Location

At Trail Vision Care Clinic we pride ourselves on our extensive experience and expertise and the field of eye care. We will take the time to get to know you and your vision needs, and will answer any questions you may have during your visit!

Our Address

  • 1370 McQuarrie St.
  • Trail, BC V1R 1X3

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Our Brands

Our full service Optometric office is designed to meet both the eye health needs and eyewear requirements of our patients in the West Kootenays.

Highly trained staff are ready to assist you with the selection appropriate for your specific needs. We take the time to discuss how different lens selections and frame styles will impact your vision. We carry designer frames, funky new fashions and old standards…. something for everyone.

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