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Category: Radio Frequency

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IPL & RF for Dry Eye: Which Treatment Is Right for You?

Young woman experiencing eye discomfort while working on a laptop, highlighting the potential benefits of IPL and RF treatments for dry eye relief.

Dry eye syndrome is a widespread condition that affects many people and causes both discomfort and potential vision issues. At Trail Vision Care Clinic, we understand the challenges posed by dry eyes and offer treatments to alleviate symptoms and improve eye health. Two notable therapies we provide to treat dry eye syndrome are Intense Pulsed […]

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Radio Frequency for Dry Eyes: How Does it Work?

A woman rubs her dry eyes while sitting in front of the computer.

Dry eyes are a common discomfort faced by many Canadians. This condition occurs when the eyes aren’t sufficiently lubricated, leading to symptoms like burning, itching, and a gritty sensation.  At Trail Vision Care Clinic, we understand the importance of addressing these symptoms with effective treatments. One such treatment option is Radio Frequency (RF) therapy, which […]

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