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Category: Eye Care

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Morpheus8 Before & After 

A patient undergoing Morpheus8 treatment with a health care professional.

When it comes to cutting-edge skincare treatments, Morpheus8 has quickly emerged as a top choice for those committed to enhancing their skin’s appearance and achieving a youthful glow. Combining the power of microneedling and radiofrequency energy, this innovative treatment effectively targets fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin, making it a go-to solution for skincare enthusiasts. […]

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October is…

October is ‘Eye Injury Prevention Month‘ in the USA and ‘Eye Health Month‘ in Canada. There are about 285 million people living with blindness and low vision all around the world. Children account for some 19 million of them. The vast majority of visual impairment is readily treatable and/or preventable. Unfortunately, help is hard to […]

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